Teen Body
Dreamo is the eight-track follow-up to Teen Body’s 2016 debut Get Home Safe. Vulnerable and self-critical, sentimental and surreal, Teen Body, with Dreamo bring their singular eye to bear on moments of beauty, melancholy, weirdness, and dazed hope. Reflecting a world of tenderness and strangeness, the title Dreamo is a reference to a term coined by a close friend of the band, Casey Halter, who, after a show, wryly observed “Your music is like dream pop and emo…dreamo music.” Dreamo captures all the gushy sincerity of emo music, and all the hazy hopefulness of dream-pop. These are songs which throw open the curtains and let the light flood into a dusty room.
With music than evokes the somnolent sunniness of bands like Yo La Tengo, Slowdive, and Galaxie 500, Teen Body have grown into a more reflective and connective sound, one that evokes all the moods of the title track, ‘Dreamo,’ of long nights, and lunar moods and tangled summer sheets. It’s music that will sit through the night with you and hold your hand through the silence.
Written and recorded in their native Brooklyn, Dreamo is a step forward for Teen Body, finding strength in vulnerabilities, soaking in fantasy, taking you along on a journey part Twin Peaks funhouse, part Pacific-coast sunset, part bedroom with the doors shut and the lights turned low.
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